To Columbus or Not to Columbus?

To Columbus or Not to Columbus?

To Columbus or Not to Columbus?
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Mitch Teemly so expresses (and echoes) my feelings. Read this man’s post about Columbus Day. He’s SO right on! God Bless all the American Indian tribes who once existed in North America.

Maybe your tribes and your culture no longer appreciably exist; however, your DNA lives on in a great many of us (me included). It lives on STRONG! We will always cherish and remember you.

Some of us don’t just stereotype and dismiss you as the total savages you were unfairly characterized as being. You weren’t the only ones guilty of savagery. Savagery is an equal opportunity employer. There has never been a monopoly on savagery. Never has been. Never will be.

A great injustice and a great travesty has been perpetrated against the American Indian. I think they call it genocide.

Rest easy, dear ones. Rest easy… Many of us will never forget you. God please forgive us. And please forgive my country.

Published by JCT => Born-Again

I am a 71 year-old, married male, living in Dallas, Texas. Pre-eminently, I am a born-again Christian. My interests include THE WORD, space exploration, astronomy, science, naturopathic health remedies, the golden age of rock and roll, writing, animals, and various other random ruminations.

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